Capital Schemes
Bennettsbridge Water Supply Scheme
Advertisement for the engagement of a Consulting Engineer to prepare a Preliminary Report has been placed in the O.J.E.C. Interviews for appointment of Consultant to be held in March 2005.
Gowran/Goresbridge/Paulstown WSS
Consultants are at present carrying out design work for the upgrading of the scheme.
Troyswood Water Supply Scheme
In line with our commitments to the E.U. Committee on Petitions, we continued to carry out improvements to chemical dosing, process control, instrumentation and telemetry systems at Troyswood Water Treatment Plant, and are pleased to report that our efforts are meeting with success. Consultant appointed to prepare report on the upgrading of the water supply to Kilkenny City and Environs.
Kilkenny Waste Water Treatment Plant
Due to increased loadings, the plant is permanently at or near capacity. The plant is due to be upgraded under the current Water Services Investment Programme 2004 - 2006.
Kilmacow Sewerage Scheme
The brief for the engagement of a Consulting Engineer has been approved by the D.o.E.H.L.G./Consulting Engineer/Clients Representative has been appointed.
Water Conservation Project
Advertisement for the engagement of a Consulting Engineer to prepare a Study Phase Report has been placed in the O.J.E.C. Interviews for appointment of Consultant to be held in March 2005. The average unaccounted for water in Kilkenny City and Environs was reduced from 41.22% in 2001 to 34.25% in 2004.
Installation of new 500mm water main at Johnswell Road, Kilkenny
Rural Water Programme
Kilkenny County Council is responsible for the administration of a number of grant and subsidy schemes which are aimed at resourcing the Group Water and Sewerage sector in addition to individual house owners who finance the supply of water from their own resources.
1. Private Well Grants
- 148 applications
- 115 paid
- €165,854 total of grants paid
2. Group Water Scheme Subsidies
- 36 group schemes claimed subsidies in 2004
- €105,114 total of subsidies paid
3. New Group Scheme Grants or Improvement Grants
- Total monies spent €591,367 - Group Schemes benefiting included Castlewarren, Newtown/Ovenstown, Caherleske/Coolagh, Seskin, Dunamaggin Sewage, Donoughmore, Drakelands & Ballymack.
Serviced Land Initiative
The Serviced Land Initiative was introduced in 1997 with the objective of accelerating the provision of serviced residential land to improve housing supply and to reduce the pressures on house prices. Exchequer funding is provided at a rate of 40% of the approved cost of the works. The balance is met by local authorities from their own resources, primarily through development levies.
Ballyragget Waste Water Treatment Plant - Work on new plant to cater for a population of 2000 p.e. completed.
Callan Waste Water Treatment Plant - Upgrade work substantially completed in 2004, plant due to be commissioned by mid-2005.
Construction of new S.B.R. tank at Callan Sewage Treatment Plant
Small Schemes Programme
Small schemes are those schemes estimated to cost less than € 317,435. A grant of 75% is obtained from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Council funds the balance from its own resources. The total monies available in 2004 was € 1,132,400. The main schemes undertaken during the year included:
- Ballyragget W.S.S. - Fencing at Ballyragget Water Works.
- Bennettsbridge W.S.S. - Mains Replacement at Barronsland.
- Graignamanagh W.S.S. - Provision of new water main at Bohermore.
- Johnstown W.S.S. - Mains Replacement at Ballyspellan.
- Kilkenny Main Drainage - Refurbishment of pumphouse.
- Kilkenny W.S.S. - Refurbishment works at Troyswood.
- Mooncoin W.S.S. - Refurbishment works at Clonassy.
- Piltown Mains Replacement Phase 5
- Piltown Mains Replacement Phase 6
- Talbotsinch S.S. - Replacement of 2 pumps.
- Thomastown W.S.S. - Mains Replacement at Brownsbarn.
- Urlingford/Johnstown W.S.S. - Installation of 2 pumps.
Water and Sewerage Schemes
Water Supply Scheme Characteristics
- No of schemes 14
- No of households served 14,000
- Cost of Maintenance of Schemes €3,248,607
Sewerage Schemes Characteristics
- No of schemes 12
- Population equivalent 120,000
Cost of Maintenance €2,284,608